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Get Involved

Stutton is a thriving and very busy village. There are so many opportunities to get involved. Lots of organisations are keen to recruit more people in a range of different roles.  Have a look here to find something you'd like to be part of ... or could give some time to. 


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Flower Show

Help needed to keep the show on the road. Small tasks make a huge difference. Putting up posters, moving tables and chairs, contacting local business for raffle prizes, helping with games on the day. Ring Rosie on 328453 or email below.


Time commitment

As little as an hour over one weekend is really helpful.


Stutton Grows

We are keen to involve members of our community young or old, in maintaining and improving Stutton's community woodland. Working parties  on the second Sunday of every month (subject to it not being rained off).

Committee - 4 times a year and one AGM

Time commitment

As above


Community Hall

Help wanted on the Working Party - to continue to improve the hall and widen the range of acitivities that take place there.  We'd love new people to join us.

Time commitment

6 Meetings a year and an AGM. Help witha Car Boot Sale on the May Bank Holiday and a Quiz Night in November

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Support Network

Our volunteers offer lifts, do shopping, visit people who are lonely and offer lots of other kinds of valued help.  If you'd like to consider joining us email Jenny below.


Speed Watch

We act as a reminder about the speed limit through the village. It would be great to have more volunteers in the team ... Ring Ian Flower on the number below

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Community Shop

Our many volunteers buy in the stock, deal with suppliers and serve the customers. There is always room for more volunteer helpers and it is a great way to meet new people, renew friendships, and make new ones whilst helping the shop continue as a friendly centre for everyone.


To find out more about volunteering, call into the shop, phone Jenny on 328984 or send an email by clicking on the contact button below

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